Cebas finalRender R35 SE sp3 including finalTo

Cebas finalRender R3.5 SE sp3 (including finalToon) for 3dmax 2012 win x86/x64

finalRender 3.5 for 3ds Max 2010-2012 and 3ds Max Design 2010-2012

finalRender 3.5 for 3ds Max 2010-2012 and 3ds Max Design 2010-2012 is offered in two versions. finalRender 3.5 SE (Studio Edition) is the perfect choice for bigger production houses and advanced users seeking the maximum in quality and flexibility, while finalRender 3.5 is targeted to the mainstream user base.

Both products use the same rock solid Hollywood production-proven rendering core and produce the same rendering results (when not using any of the advanced features of 3.5 SE). A complementary copy of finalToon 3.5 is included with a purchase of either version.

Alice in (Stereo-) Wonderland
The new finalRender SE Stereo Camera offers the 3ds Max user a sophisticated way to reproduce true 3D stereo camera effects from within 3ds Max.
Sam Korshid, former effects Supervisor at CafeFX, approached cebas with an urgent need for a proper 3ds Max rendering solution.
It needed to work out of the box, have no issues with live action footage, allow proper compositing of existing footage (created with thinkingParticles R4), and would match rendering setups created in Maya.
Within the tight production timeline of ?Alice in Wonderland,? cebas integrated a true 3D stereo camera model into finalRender, which proved to be an ideal rendering solution for this major production.

finalRender R3 SE was the rendering system of choice for Uncharted Territory for the 3D VFX in the blockbuster movie ?2012.? DomeLight proved to be the key lighting method used to create believable and fast global illumination scenery.
It also showed great stability in ultra-complex scenes with thousands of animated objects, possessing millions of polygons.
In finalRender 3.5, DomeLight is now faster, smoother and better than before, accelerating both the animation and QMC rendering modes.

Ocean Object and Material Enhancements

User input is very important to cebas. The latest feedback on Ocean Material and Ocean Object has led to more fine-tuning and upgrades in rendering and processing speed.
Foam Map handling, for example, has seen a total overhaul.

Skin2 and CarPaint2
In finalRender 3.5 SE, fR-Skin2 is a new layered skin material shader that resembles the effects of human (or alien) skin much better than the previous fR-Skin.
fR-CarPaint2, with optional new material, makes the paint on your car model look exactly like a shiny, new car.
Also, fR-FastSkin has been upgraded to allow full map control of its features.
…and More

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