MU Yanni Discography 1984 2011

Yanni Discography ( 1984 – 2011 )

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Yanni (pronounced /?j??ni/ yah-nee), born Yiannis Hrysomallis (pronounced /kri?so??m??li?s/ kree-soh-mah-leess); Greek: ??????? ???????????; classical transcription Giannis Chrysomallis) on November 14, 1954, in Kalamata, Greece, is a self-taught pianist, keyboardist, and composer.

He earned Grammy nominations for his 1992 album, Dare to Dream, and the 1993 follow-up, In My Time. His breakthrough success came with the 1994 release of Yanni Live at the Acropolis, deemed to be the second best-selling music video of all time. Yanni has since performed live in concert before in excess of two million people in more than 20 countries around the world. He has accumulated more than 35 platinum and gold albums globally, with sales totaling over 20 million copies. Yanni is considered to be one of the top fundraisers of all time for public television. His compositions have been included in all Olympic Games television broadcasts since 1988, and his music has been used extensively in television and televised sporting events. His music is frequently described as "new age", though he prefers the term "contemporary instrumental"

Albums :
1984 Optimystique
1986 Keys to Imagination
1987 Out of Silence
1988 Chameleon Days
1989 Niki Nana
1990 Reflections of Passion
1991 In Celebration of Life
1992 Dare to Dream
1993 In My Time
2000 If I Could Tell You
2003 Ethnicity
2009 Yanni Voices and Yanni Voces (Spanish Version)
2010 Yanni Mexicanisimo
2011 Truth of Touch

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